Blogging is one of the best part time job in Nepal . Many people are involved in to this field. People Make their own website, and start to do blogging aand they earn money enough. So, blogging is best for us. In some cases you may pay some amount of money to buy a website . But you don’t need any investment for that blogging website. You could make your own website without any cost. You could make your blogger website and start to blogging and writing your article. After that, you can apply for AdSense Approval. After the approval of AdSense you can earn money. If you want to modify your blogger in to the website you can purchase a free domain. But it is not necessary. Google give you a free domain but it has blogger . Com on your url.
How to open a blogger ?
If you want to start blogging and make money with your can make a blogger with in a minute.
First of all you have a Gmail account. And you would make a blogger after that. Search , on your browser and click on create a new blog and you can enter your blog name, title , and url as your interest and interesting topic which have your knowledge .
After creating a blogger, you should post your article . Then, you can manage your blogger. Like editing, SEO setting etc . For change or edit theme you can click on side bar and click on theme . And choose what you like any theme . If you would like to install other theme . You can search a blogger theme on browser and download it.
Open your downloaded theme on HTML editor and copy all script. Go back to your theme and click on edit html . And pest your script on it . And save your theme . If you want to change on your theme you can change your html code any time and your interest.
And you can manage your website section through gradate section. You can click on gradate and manage your website any section and menu.
You must create a menu bar and post on it about different article.
Before applying for AdSense Approval , you should submit your blogger url on Google search console
You must also set your SEO setting on click on setting for set many things. You could make your html sitemap for your blogger. Give a sweet and short description, search description.
After completing that work your website may rank on Google. And become traffic on your URL. After publishing some articles and become traffic on your website or blogger. You can apply for AdSense Approval. Before applying for AdSense Approval you should open a AdSense account. After that you can apply.