Top 10 Commercial banks of Nepal


There are 26 commercial banks listed in Nepse. We have collected data of Top 10 Commercial banks of Nepal.

We have done a comparison of Commercial banks on the basis of Paid Up capital, Reserve, NPL, CD Ratio, Net Profit

Top commercial banks of nepal

 Following are the top 10 Commercial Banks on the basis of different topics:

Paid-up Capital: 

Global IME Bank Limited (GBIME) is the bank with the highest paid-up capital of Rs. 23.79 arba

Following are the 10 banks on the basis of Paid up capital:

S.N Bank Name Paid-up Capital
1 Global IME Bank Limited (GBIME) Rs. 23.79 arba
2 Nabil Bank Limited (NABIL) Rs. 22.83 arba
3 Prime Commercial Bank Limited (PCBL) Rs. 18.66 arba
4 NMB Bank Limited (NMB) Rs. 18.36 arba
5 Nepal Investment Bank Limited (NIB) Rs.18.30 arba
6 Mega Bank Limited ( MEGA) Rs.16.10 arba
7 Rastriya Banijya Bank (RBB) Rs. 14.94 arba
8 Kumari Bank Limited (KBL) Rs. 14.71 arba
9 Nepal Bank Limited (NBL) Rs.14.40 arba
10 Citizen Bank International Limited (CZBIL) Rs. 14.20 arba

Reserve and Surplus

Nabil Bank Limited (NABIL) has the highest reserve and surplus of Rs. 27.51 arba.

Following are the 10 banks on the basis of Reserve and Surplus

S.N Bank Name Reserve and Surplus
1 Nabil Bank Limited (NABIL) Rs. 27.51 arba
2 Nepal Bank Limited (NBL) Rs. 18.78 arba
3 Rastriya Banijya Bank (RBB) Rs. 16.61 arba
4 Nepal Investment Bank Limited (NIB) Rs. 15.09 arba
5 Agricultural Development Bank Limited (ADBL) Rs.12.21 arba
6 NIC Asia Bank Limited (NICA) Rs.11.01 arba
7 Global IME Bank Limited (GBIME) Rs. 11.59 arba
8 Everest Bank Limited (EBL) Rs. 8.99 arba
9 Siddhartha Bank Limited (SBL) Rs.8.43 arba
10 Himilayan Bank Limited (HBL) Rs. 7.71 arba

Net Profit 

According to the first quarter report of FY 2079/80, NIC Asia Bank Limited (NICA) is based on Rs. 1.75 arba.

Following are the top 10 banks on the basis of Net Profit.

1. NIC Aisa Bank Limited (NICA) : Rs.1.75 arba

2. Nabil Ban Limited (NABIL) : Rs.1.51 arba

3. Rastriya Banijya Bank Limited (RBBL) : Rs. 1.24 arba

4. Global IME Bank Limited (GBIME): Rs. 1.18 arba

5. Nepal Investment Bank Limited (NIBL): Rs. 1.14 arba

6. Kumari Bank Limited (KBL): Rs. 1.00 arba

7. NMB Bank Limited (NMB) : Rs. 0.90 arba

8. Prime Commercial Bank Limited (PCBL): Rs. 0.87 arba

9. Everest Bank Ltd (EBL): Rs. 0.86 arba

10. Standard Chartered Bank Ltd (SCB): Rs. 0.81 arba

Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR)

Agricultural Development Bank Limited (ADBL) is a bank that has a CAR of 16.03%.

Following are the Top 10 banks on the basis of CAR

S.N Bank Name CAR
1 Agricultural Development Bank Limited (ADBL) 16.03%
2 Civil Bank Limited (CBL) 16.00%
3 Standard Chartered Bank Nepal Bank Limited 15.57%
4 Nepal Investment Bank Limited (NIBL) 15.44%
5 Nepal Bank Limited (NBL) 15.43%
6 Rastriya Banijya Bank Limited (RBBL) 14.08%
7 NMB Bank Limited (NMB) 13.61%
8 Century Commercial Bank Limited (CCBL) 13.18%
9 NIC Aisa Bank Limited (NICA) 13.05%
10 Sanima Bank Limited (SANIMA) 13.03%

Credit Deposit (CD)

Standard Chartered Bank Limited has the lowest CD ratio of 83.98%

Following are the Top 10 banks based on the CD Ratio.

S.N Bank Name CD Ratio
1 Standard Chartered Bank Nepal Bank Limited (SCB) 83.98%
2 Prabhu Bank Limited (PRVU) 84.32%
3 Rastriya Banijya Bank Limited (RBBL) 84.36%
4 Nepal Investment Bank Limited (NIBL) 86.12%
5 Machhapuchchhare Bank Limited (MBL) 86.44%
6 Everest Bank Limited (EBL) 86.49%
7 Civil Bank Limited (CBL) 86.80%
8 Citizen Bank International Limited (CZBIL) 86.86%
9 NMB Bank Limited (NMB) 86.94%
10 Kumari Bank Limited (KBL) 88.95%

Distributable Profit

As per the first Quarter report of FY 2079/80, Everest Bank Limited (EBL) has the highest Distributable Profit of Rs. 4.71 arba.

Following are the top 10 banks based on Distribututable Profit

S.N Bank Name Distributable Profit
1 Everest Bank Limited (EBL) Rs. 4.71 arba
2 NIC Asia Bank Limited (NICA) Rs. 4.20 arba
3 Global IME Bank Limited (GBIME) Rs. 3.49 arba
4 Agricultural Development Bank Limited (ADBL) Rs. 3.27 arba
5 Rastriya Banijya Bank Limited (RBBL) Rs.3.17 arba
6 Nabil Bank Limited (NABIL) Rs.2.91 arba
7 Himalayan Bank Limited (HBL) Rs. 2.40 arba
8 NMB Bank Limited (NMB) Rs. 2.23 arba
9 Siddhartha Bank Limited (SBL) Rs.2.10 arba
10 Prime Commercial Bank Limited (PCBL) Rs. 2.07 arba

Net Worth Per Share

 Nepal Bank Limited has the highest book Value of Rs. 250.55.

1. Nepal Bank Limited (NBL): Rs. 250.55

2. Everest Bank Limited (EBL): Rs. 247.32

3. Nabil Bank Limited (NABIL) : Rs. 233.28

4. Rastriya Banijya Bank Limited (RBBL) : Rs. 232.46

5. NIC Aisa Bank Limited (NICA): Rs. 231.63

6. Standard Chartered Bank Nepal Bank Limited: Rs. 201.18

7. Nepal Investment Bank Limited (NIBL): Rs. 192.32

8. Agricultural Development Bank Limited (ADBL): Rs. 183.18

9. Nepal SBI Bank Limited (SBI): Rs. 179.59

10. Siddhartha Bank Limited (SBL).: Rs. 177.15

Earning Per Share (EPS)

 NIC Asia Bank Limited has the Highest EPS among Commercial Bank at Rs. 59.62.

Following are the 10 banks with the highest EPS

S.N Bank Name EPS
1 NIC Asia Bank Limited (NICA): Rs. 59.62
2 Everest Bank Limited (EBL) Rs. 36.58
3 Rastriya Banijya Bank Limited (RBBL) Rs. 35.77
4 Standard Chartered Bank Nepal Bank Limited(SCB) Rs. 34.42
5 Kumari Bank Ltd (KBL) Rs.27.23
6 Nabil Bank Limited (NABIL) Rs.27.01
7 Siddhartha Bank Limited (SBL) Rs. 25.71
8 Nepal SBI Bank Ltd (SBI) Rs. 25.54
9 Nepal Investment Bank Limited (NIBL) Rs. 24.92
10 Nepal Bank Limited (NBL) Rs. 22.67
11 Prabhu Bank Ltd (PRVU) Rs. 22.19
12 Global IME Bank Limited (GBIME) Rs. 20

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