Dividend History of Nepal Doorsanchar Company Limited (NTC)


We have presented the data on the Dividend History of Nepal Doorsanchar Company Limited (NTC). Nepal Doorsanchar Company Limited (NTC) is the only Telecom Company listed in NEPSE. It is the biggest Telecom Company in Nepal.

Dividend History of Nepal Doorsanchar Company Limited (NTC)

Here are the details of the dividend history of NTC for the last 10 years. It only distributes cash dividends so far but every year, it distributes more than 40% cash and up to 55%.

fiscal Year Cash Dividend Bonus Share Total Dividend
2079/80 40% 40%
2078/79 40% 40%
2077/78 20% 20% 40%
2076/77 40% 40%
2075/76 45% 45%
2074/75 55% 55%
2073/74 55% 55%
2072/73 51% 51%
2071/72 50% 50%
2070/71 47% 47%
2069/70 46% 46%
2068/69 47% 47%
2067/68 45% 45%

Hence, these are the dividend history of NTC. They have a good cash dividend history. There is no right share so far and only one bonus share.

Note: All the data are taken from the authentic sources. These data are uploaded to help make the investing decision accurate and develop knowledge of people.

Also read: Dividend History Of National Life Insurance Company Limited

Frequently Asked Questions

a. Bonus share of Nepal Doorsanchar Company Limited (NTC)?

IN FY 2079/80, the NTC did not give bonus shares. They are distributing a 40% Cash Dividend to its shareholders. NTC distributes cash dividends to their shareholder most of the year.  NTC Distributes Bonus shares for only one year in its long history i.e. FY 2077/78. Other data are In the above table.

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