Stock market is very Sensitive to the Fluctuate The Price os the share . There are many factors that affect the market whole progress. That factors are directly affect the market . We would like to share that factors.
1. Supply and demand
The ratio supply and demand of stock of any company determine the price of that company’s share. When the supplier’s volume is high and demand is low the price is low but demand is high and supply is low the price is unexpectedly high. Ao, it is main factors of stock market.
2. Political situation of the country.
Nepal is that type of country where the political weather is changing time to time and day to day. Thus it also affect the market also.
3. Natural disasters
Natural disasters make the price of many company decrease.
4. News
Some fake news also affect the market when investors are believe that false news the price is unexpectedly going to high or low
6. International News
Stock market is that type of platform which related to all the sector of world. Sometime the international affairs take decrease or increase the market.
7. War and Conflict
War and Conflict decrease the share market . Because that time investors are scare to invest the money .