How to make money from the small working ?


Today, the world is becoming very competitive in all sectors and areas . Many people are still unemployed and the rate of unemployment is become increasing day by day. The government is not make any effective rules and decision to reduce unemployment. At that situation we should make our mind sharp to do something different. From that work we will become a self employed and it affect our life very positively. We can find those sectors and areas which are still less competitive and we can make money, from those areas people also support you because they want those person who solve their problems. 

Thare are many ways to earn money in Nepal . Many sectors are still empty and some foreigners make money and they send our currency to their country and they become rich and we are go to their country todo very hard and less earning work because we can’t find very simple and less expensive work . 

If we can make broad mind, we find many job offer and Working offer in our country , we can make money easily . In that works many foreigners are still doing work and earn much money. But we don’t want to do work in our country because we make like a culture fir  earn money to go to foreign country and working very cheap work and salary .

If we change our thoughts and mind . And start thinking with a broad mind we can find many employments and job offer . If we make our heart brave we can become a self employed man . Also after some time you will be give others many job and people are happy with you. 

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