Opening Range of Molung Hydropower – Bibek News

We will know the Opening Range of Molung Hydropower. Here is the detail information of the IPO.

About Company

Molung Hydropower Company Ltd is a public limited company which was established in 31st Baisakhi, 2067. It got electricity generation from Government of Nepal on 2nd Ashoj 2071 and is valid till 1st ashoj 2106. Molung hydropower project is located at Okhaldhunga, Nepal.

Information about Project:

Particulars Info
Project Located Okhaldhunga, Nepal
PPA conclusion 21st Falgun, 2069
Generation license 2nd Ashoj, 2071
Commercial Prodution date 12 Chaitra, 2074
Name of River Molung Khola
Installed Capacity 7,000 kW
Total Cost 1.45 arba
Cost Per Megawatt 20.8 crore

Opening Range of Molung Hydropower

The opening range of the company depends upon the book value of the last audited financial statement. So, the book value of the FY 2078/79 is Rs. 60.62. Hence, the Opening range of the company is Rs. 60.62 to Rs. 181.86.

The Issue manager for the IPO is Sunrise Capital Limited. Similarly, the company has got BB rating from ICRA Nepal.

Financial Statement Before IPO

Following is the detail information of the company before IPO.

Particulars “000” Amount
Paid Up capital 449,400
Reserve (176,984)
Revenue from sale of Electricity 156,095
Loan 926,809
Net Profit 48,457
Book Value 60.62
EPS 10.78

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