Pest Management Systems and Assemblages

 Use variety of plant material in a landscape to avoid a monoculture (growing only one type of plant ), which can create potential problem with one species of insect.

Select plant species that are less prone to pest problems. Some plants are consistently plauged by certain insect pests and disease.

Evaluate the planting site for exposure to light, low, spots, wind seed and direction. Choosing plants suited to their growing conditions reduces plant stress, which helps prevent insect and disease problems.

Be aware of soil conditions including pH, drainage, fertility and organic matter. If possible, improve the soil or choose a plant be adapted to the conditions. 

Provide the best start for the plants, using good planting techniques. This approach includes proper planting, pruning, staking and mowing practices.

Provide proper mainly practices for plants including watering, fertilizing, pruning and weed control. Good maintenance practice will ensure healthy plants that are less likely to be affected by pests and disease.

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